Ladies Night TPE

Ladies Night TPE

Comedy Interviews

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女生真不容易?你需要姐妹淘的幫忙! 讓LadiesNight 四個好朋友 四位人妻 四個不一樣性格的女性 在這裏,和你一起分享渡過 生活裡的雞毛蒜皮及有笑有淚 拿杯紅酒加入我們吧! IG: @ladiesnight_tpe Being a girl can be tough. Sometimes, we just need some advice from our girlfriends! Let Ladies Night TPE be your besties! We are four good friends, who were all recently married, with four very different personalities & opinions. Having good girlfriends by your side can help you weather any storm. Join us as we share life’s up & downs with ya’ll, through laughter and tears, and lots of wine!

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